Saturday, December 29, 2012

STINKY TREES - Don't cut down!

A few years ago some "evil" person cut down one of our pine trees at the front of the cabin along the road.  Now - at Christmas time we put up our "stinky trees" sign after spraying the trees with some vile stuff to discourage any more theft.  It has worked once again this year!

Thursday, December 20, 2012


It was a COLD Friday night when this beautiful dog appeared at our Hudson Valley Cabin.  She was very lucky because our guests - J and E - agreed to let her stay in the cabin overnight until the local dog warden could collect her.
In that 1 night they both fell in love with her and have since adopted her after she was checked out by the vet in Pine Plains and attempts to locate her original owners failed.   "Scout" now lives in Brooklyn with her new Mom and Dad and is the only dog (besides our own) that will get unlimited visitation privileges to the cabin!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A gift from one of our guests!  Dann made this beautiful windchime for our cabin.
What a beautiful surprise it was for us!

Monday, May 7, 2012

New York Magazine - May 14, 2012 issue

Our Hudson Valley Cabin has been mentioned in New York Magazine - their 5-14-12 issue.  The issue lists Stanford as a great place to visit as it is nestled between the "hot spots" of Rhinebeck and Millbrook.  And it lists our Hudson Valley Cabin as a good rental vacation spot as well as listing a number of local businesses and suggested activities.